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Why You Should Try Therapy

Updated: Jul 29, 2022

Mental health is still quite a stigmatized subject in the U.S. There is an assumption that to go to therapy, there must be something wrong with you. This is a common misconception, as therapy can be helpful for anyone at any stage in their life. Let’s look at some ways therapy can potentially be beneficial for you.

Therapy can impact your physical health.

The health of your mind and body are closely intertwined. Being able to work through issues causing you stress and/or anxiety can lead to a reduction in symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, and complications from a lack of sleep. According to Brooke Lewis, PsyD., RCC, a registered clinical counselor in the greater Vancouver area and co-founder of the Mental Health Boot Camp, clients can experience reductions and improvements in different physical symptoms associated with stress. This might include a “reduction in migraines, reductions in digestive troubles, improved sleep, or improved appetite”(1).

Your friends are not always the best therapists.

We often use our friends for advice and guidance, but it is beneficial to have an objective observer to help guide you through life’s troubles. Having a consistent outlet other than your friends can also take some of the pressure off of them and improve your friendship.

Therapy isn’t just for severe mental illness.

Don’t feel like you have any of the “typical” issues for therapy? No problem. Your therapist can help you through many different issues, including life transitions, stress at work, questions about your future, communication with others, and much more. You can find support and guidance regardless of your current situation.

It’s a safe, consistent space.

Your therapist’s office is a place you can count on to be safe and non-judgmental, and where you can look forward to having that hour a week to focus on you and your growth and development. Many people find it helpful to have a place they can depend on to get out of the stresses of the week and leave them behind at the end of the session.

It’s a collaborative process.

Your therapist will never tell you what you should work on. A good therapist will work with you to develop goals for yourself and your life that are meaningful to you. Therapists are flexible with your schedule and are even now available via Tele counseling appointments for added safety and convenience. Visit our Telecounseling FAQs blog post to find out more.

Now more than ever, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. If you are struggling, help is available. Calm Mind Counseling Center is offering Tele counseling appointments at your convenience. Reach out to us and see how therapy can benefit you.

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